Parallax 1-pager

Roll: Concept, UX, wireframes, Art Direction, Design, Production, Dev

Starring MiniAbe. This page is completely interactive, with animated gifs, frame-by-frame animation, hot spots, and lovely floating text. It's insane. Also, we designed it for the Europeans, who enjoy Route 66, rivers, and Chicago, so we feature all of the good stuff.

*** This page just went down, here is a screen grab of how the page works!


MiniAbe Parallax page in action


The little things

In every module we crammed something in, and it got played with. Time on page was just over 2 minutes.


Thank you PS

This little guys goes on big adventures. All over Illinois. And we can't shoot everything live. And digital gets screwed most of the time, so for the majority of this site I've photoshopped him in scenes and attractions all over Illinois. FUN.


Animated gifs

There are four on the page. Two are from the digital campaign, one from the spot, and this one I made just for this page.

The other three are featured here.